Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Multiple Sclerosis Stem Cell Therapy Availability

Multiple sclerosis stem cell therapy is real and achievable! Researchers have made huge progress and are still curing people who thought they were hopeless. 

The multiple sclerosis disease is an autoimmune chronic disease that makes the body turn on itself, causing damage within the central nervous system and spinal cord, causing gaps in the brain’s commands to activate muscle movement, balance and vision. These symptoms are interfering with normal activities and usually appear in patients between 15 and 45 years of age.  

Stem Cells And Regenerative Medicine
Stem Cells And Regenerative Medicine
Multiple sclerosis, or MS, occurs when the body’s immune system attacks the myelin, the fatty substance around the nerve fibers of the central nervous system, damaging the nerve fibers themselves, in some cases, and forming scar tissue (or sclerosis, hence the name). When a part of the myelin sheath has been damaged or destroyed, the nerve impulses given and received from the brain, also the spinal cord, are distorted or interrupted. Later, a variety of symptoms occur, such as loss of writing skills, speaking or walking. 

The Multiple Sclerosis stem cell treatment using fetal stem cells has been providing excellent results in the treatment centers all over the world. The Ukraine is one of the multiple sclerosis stem cell therapy centers where doctors have been curing patients who had previously thought there was no hope of regaining mobility. They all found the chance to regain a normal life by opting for multiple sclerosis stem cell therapy.

The fetal stem cell treatment actually stops the autoimmune attacks, thus curing the damage done by the disease.  

The good thing about all of this is that, regardless of the curtails that some might push regarding the experimental multiple sclerosis stem cell therapy, the cured individuals are taking their testimonials online and out there, providing precious information for all those in need. PlacidWay is one of the medical tourism companies that provide this type of treatment and the place where you can find testimonials from the individuals who have been cured by multilple sclerosis stem cell therapy.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Parkinson Stem Cell - A Cure

Parkinson Stem Cell is a great innovation for all those who have dealt with the disease and their families. The year 2005 was when that precious information was released. In the medical journal Neurology, an article appeared that described a pilot study of a special diet for Parkinson’s Disease management.
Stem Cells And Regenerative Medicine

The whole trial only took 28 days for seven people, of whom five completed the full month. The five patients had experienced improvements in their Parkinson's disease, a condition that was previously thought of as irreversible. One of the participants’ testimonial has even been published in USA Today. The article thoroughly explained the diet requirements and how the female patient lost 26lbs, a rather impressive weight loss.

Parkinson Stem Cell vs. Parkinson Diet

A diet had led to the modest reversal of an irreversible disease with dramatic weight loss? It sounds too good to be true?! Yet that diet is what is known as the ketogenic diet. Just proteins, such as those found in meat or eggs each day, plus lots and lots of fat, no carbohydrates whatsoever were used. Under these eating conditions, the liver had begun to produce large quantities of ketone bodies - an excellent fuel for the brain, which is easily able to replace at least half of the daily glucose, considered as "essential". It appears that if you feed dopaminergic brain cells on ketone bodies they stop dying, and maybe the diseased ones recover. Eating fat makes you fat, yet the ketogenic “fat” diets are excellent for weight loss and some improvement in disease.

On the other hand, the Parkinson stem cell therapy requires another type of diet and IV administration of stem cells. Embryonic stem cells have been successfully employed with the disease, and the testimonials in this area are overwhelming. Researchers are seeing massive improvements in the brain, that is the recovery of the diseased areas and the tremors reduced. While the total cure of the disease is still under development, the Parkinson Stem Cell treatment can bring massive improvement in many cases. See the clinics that apply the Parkinson  Stem Cell Therapy by visiting PlacidWay.com.